The World’s Greatest Vacations & Viking Cruises ► The World's Greatest Vacations

Prepared for Viking Cruises

Why WGV’S turnkey program excels, every time:

Read more in our direct mail White Paper >

…or simply see our Results >

When digital and direct mail are combined,
marketers see 63% increased response rates.

(Source: USPS)

Weeklyemail listingDedicated emailfor your brandWebsite blogfeaturesFacebook, Twitter, Pinterest& Instagram contentSweepstakeslead generation
Weeklyemail listingDedicated emailfor your brandWebsite blogfeaturesFacebook, Twitter, Pinterest& Instagram contentSweepstakeslead generation

See our last email newsletters here.


Reach this highly-qualified traveler multiple times, across multiple channels for just 10₵.

Spring & Fall

Two 7-month campaign windows to reach our affluent, active travelers across all touchpoints


Channels & Reach:
Over 3M Total Impressions

  • Direct Mailing: 1.094 Million Households
  • Digital Channels: Up to 3M impressions/month with dedicated content for your brand in weekly email, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter
  • Bonus: 1 x dedicated database email (70K)


WGV Rate

1st Insert: $118,000
2nd Insert: $72,000

Get 10% OFF your second season when you place two orders together.


Key Dates

Spring 2021Fall 2021
DM Creative File Due:03/0109/01
Mailing Drops:04/25 – 5/1109/25 – 10/11
Digital:Begins Upon Reserving SpaceBegins Upon Reserving Space
Slider backgroundWoman in Travel

Vacation travel’s exclusive, synchronized direct mail and digital platform

Immediate Bookings,
Immediate Bookings,
Immediate Bookings,

Don’t Forget, Your Success is Guaranteed.

Our platform has delivered for clients across the travel industry over and over again ( see results! >).
That’s why if we don’t EXCEED an agreed first-time bookings goal, the next mailer is on us!

Did You Know? The World’s Greatest Vacations was founded in 1993 as Treasure Chest. More than 1,000 campaigns have successfully run though WGV. No other media guarantees actual bookings. Founder Richard Shane had 3,000 seizures for 22 years. Direct mail’s response rate in 1993 was 1/2 of one percent. Today, as high as nine percent. Direct mail’s response rate is greater than email. WGV’s experts and strategic advisors are available to tap into as part of the overall model. WGV partners get access to our partner, USNews content. Each season comes with 7+ months of digital media. At 10 cents unit, companies see a far greater response rate than direct mail costing 10x as much. Every year for 28 years, consumers have grown our market penetration. Accountability and passion to assist are our hallmarks. WGV is the deepest market penetration in travel. Billing can take place upon completion of the media hence, self-funding.