Partners Home ► The World's Greatest Vacations

Luxury Travel’s Omnichannel Platform Delivers Guaranteed #1 ROI

Lazer Targeted

30 years of analytic modeling and daily opt ins ensures reaching the most qualified booking prospects.


Premium Direct Mail

1,094,000+ of the most active vacation travelers with a 10% response rate at just 10 cents/unit.


Synchronized Digital

1,000,000 weekly impressions via multiple channels increases conversion 63% taking consumers through the marketing funnel.

Immediate new to brand bookings via Direct Mail synchronized with Digital

Multiple digital touch points
every week, for seven months

The World's Greatest Vacation site on macbook screenThe World's Greatest Vacation site on tablet screenThe World's Greatest Vacation site on phone screen

Digital impressions per campaign

Envelope WGVEnvelope insert

Opt-in, high-net-worth vacation traveler households


Most companies have 1 unique selling proposition. The World’s Greatest Vacations has 5:

We’ve been perfecting direct mail for 30 years while companies are just now realizing the impact of direct mail is greater than digital. Every day, new consumers opt in via our web site, social media channels, newsletters, and mail back response cards requesting to be added/opting in to the WGV database.

Furthermore, the analytics perfected from decades of successful campaigns, identify and project the demographic, psychographic and zip code trends ahead of the curve. Latent travelers are dropped, eliminating waste, and keeping costs down.

Thus, the 10% response rate for the direct mail, synched with the digital, increasing rates and conversion another 63%. Volia’!

  • Self-reported frequent leisure travelers
  • Median HH Income of $240K
  • 50% male / 50% female
  • Median age 48
  • Demonstrate inclination to book cruises, private experiences, guided tours, resorts and more

Learn more

Over thirty years of brand confidence doesn’t come overnight. Consumers look forward to WGV knowing only iconic luxury travel brands are featured and our partners know they are in good company.

Furthermore, our partners protect their market share while knowing they are only paying for the media if their acquisition goals are achieved.

Simplicity is key in our approach. Minimal overhead costs, reaching only the most active vacation travelers and sharing cost with only luxury travel suppliers maximizes efficiency. The fact that consumers know The World’s Greatest Brand and synchronization with weekly digital media, response rates are superior to direct mail costing $2.00 unit.

There is a cross section of luxury travel suppliers, so one season a consumer may want to cruise, another perhaps a resort. Already a superior response rate, frequency of messaging boosts ROI even further.

Each WGV partner sees a 10+% response rate costing 10 cents/unit vs the median for direct mail which is 9% at $2.00/unit. Every week from the time of reserving space through six months after the mailing, each partner sees 1,000,000 digital impressions from multiple directions.

This increases response and conversion rates an additional 63%. Our discerning vacation travelers know only leaders in luxury travel are featured and look forward to their messaging.

WGV is the only media which guarantees to surpass a partner’s goals. The media can even be financed until after bookings have come in. A particular time, destination, resort or cruise needs a boost? We’re happy to provide bonus digital media to make that happen. This is a true partnership, all of our assets, experts and passion is yours to tap into.

At just 10 cents/unit these most active vacation travelers are reached by premium direct mail (10% response rate vs digital’s median of 4%) while also synched with multiple digital channels every week for 7+ months. The result, travel’s proven #1 ROI/KPI/CPA platform. Guaranteed.


…Have grown The World’s Greatest Vacations’ market penetration and effectiveness

LOWERcost of acquisitionHIGHERbookings
WGV 2023 envelope

WGV Partners are Exclusively Luxury Travel’s iconic brands

Paul Gauguin
Windstar Cruises
American Express travel
Starwood Hotels and Resorts
St Regis
Disney Cruise Line
Slider backgroundWoman in Travel
Immediate New Bookings,
Immediate Bookings,
Immediate Bookings,


Princess Cruises

We’ve been using The World’s Greatest Vacations for many years and I have to say that it has transformed the way we acquire new customers. The premium, low cost package provides us an effective way to reach highly targeted vacation travelers. The WGV team is professional, flexible & easy to work with. I’m thrilled to see continued stellar results and regularly recommend The World’s Greatest Vacations.

Paul Gauguin Cruises

We really value our partnership with The World’s Greatest Vacations. This WGV mailing has been one of our most successful marketing initiatives this past year and has exceeded our expectations.

The Breakers

The overall results to date from the current Spring WGV mailing are excellent…record level… strong ROI! You were right…conducting the match back against our reservations booked made total sense to validate this advertising…


We’re in our 14th year working with The World’s Greatest Vacations & consistently exceed acquisition goals. Richard Shane is a smart partner with a wealth of market knowledge. His team of experts know what to deliver and make it happen every time.

Playa Hotels & Resorts

From being WGV’s first client ever to present, The World’s Greatest Vacations continue to be a key component of our marketing m ix, continuing to deliver high quality leads and excellent conversion rates. Happy to have been a part of this from the beginning and the value add continues to be outstanding.


Atlantis was guaranteed to have their bookings goal achieved… it was exceeded tenfold.

The Venetian

Before the campaign you thought it might drive 3k to 4k bookings. It was more than that . I hate to give exact numbers until I know for I am very happy with the campaign.

Cruise Planners, American Express

Hi Richard, I just have to share…the response to our inclusion in Treasure Chest this fall has really been fan tastic. We definitely surpassed our ROI expectations by closing a good bit of business and are actually still getting inquiries off of it. Additionally, we are now marketing to those that expressed interest and are seeing a good return there as well. Now I see w hy/how you “guaranteed results”! We would really like to partner with some of your cruise lines and be the Call To Action on their inser ts. Look forward to the next mailing. Thanks a million!

Windstar Cruises

One of the biggest challenges for marketers is finding new to brand customers at acceptable acquisition costs. When first presented the conversion rates and cost for World’s Greatest Vacations the numbers seemed too good to be true. The results were fantastic and it works over and over again. I highly recommend this direct marketing platform to any hospitality or travel company.

Caribbean Tourism

Using techniques that cut through today’s clutter Richie Shane’s company has perfected a strategy to deliver your message in ways that excite literally millions of consumers in households that are demographically targeted for you. The results are measurable and they’re effective. If you’re in the travel and tourism business take a look at The World’s Greatest Vacations direct to consumer marketing. This could be the tool you need to make the difference your business needs right now.

Did You Know? The World’s Greatest Vacations was founded in 1993 as Treasure Chest. More than 1,000 campaigns have successfully run though WGV. No other media guarantees actual bookings. Founder Richard Shane had 3,000 seizures for 22 years. Direct mail’s response rate in 1993 was 1/2 of one percent. Today, as high as nine percent. Direct mail’s response rate is greater than email. WGV’s experts and strategic advisors are available to tap into as part of the overall model. WGV partners get access to our partner, USNews content. Each season comes with 7+ months of digital media. At 10 cents unit, companies see a far greater response rate than direct mail costing 10x as much. Every year for 28 years, consumers have grown our market penetration. Accountability and passion to assist are our hallmarks. WGV is the deepest market penetration in travel. Billing can take place upon completion of the media hence, self-funding.